Author: Admin

What’s the hardest skill to master as a product manager?

Being a PM is a hard job. You have to know a bit about – tech, business, design, marketing and you have to know your customer and market better than anyone else. You have to be good at communication, negotiation, presentation, simplification, persuasion and arguably the hardest – prioritisation. Prioritisation is hard because there are just too many people pulling …

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How do you answer the dreaded “Google question”?

If you are a #founder and have pitched to investors – you would have almost certainly been asked this: What if “Google” or “XYZ” (replace with the largest player in your segment) builds a competing product? 1. Know your competition and their products. Just because a large company enters a space, it does not guarantee their success. Orkut, Google+, Glass…. …

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One of the most important skills that productmanagers rarely talk about

It could also be the hardest to master. What is this overlooked #PM skill? No, it’s not persuasion. No, it’s not domain knowledge. It’s certainly not technical skills. Its the ability to say “No”. Saying NO to customers when the demand doesn’t match the #strategy or #roadmap. Harder if that is your early customer for a new #product or you …

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Could those with an engineering or science training have an advantage when building a startup?

Could those with an engineering or science training have an advantage when building a startup? Founders and product managers who are able to question and validate their assumptions usually end up creating successful startups and products, especially in new spaces. Is there a way to actually do better than follow the Lean startup method? Very interesting read from Harvard Business Review. …

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