- Sukanya Bharati
- #productmanager
The answer is a bit of both, but more importantly a student.
Willing to keep learning.
Studied engineering in college and exposure to computers was only for building simulations.
– First job: learnt about databases, SQL, Analytics
– Learnt to be a developer and then an engineering manager
– Then took up a role of #pm. Dev background helped establish rapport with dev teams, but everything else had to be learnt.
– User centred design and usability. It was the first step to developing understanding and empathy for the users.
– Basics of accounting and finance. Learnt to read financial statements. It helped me understand how businesses are run.
– Communication and presentations skills. Helped me become more persuasive and motivate the team. Learn and experiment. Still do.
– Legal aspects of licensing and spent weeks reading through licensing agreements and terms and conditions (yes, the ones that usually nobody reads) 😀
– Pricing and packaging
– Marketing
– Selling
– Accesibility
– Industries – retail, financial, CPG, healthcare..
Also, keep improving my understanding of SaaS, cloud, AI..
What #skills did you acquire as a pm?