

Why free POCs are a bad idea

Are you frequently sending out free POCs? Here’s why you shouldn’t do so, except in specific circumstances

Navin Thangiah, MobileOffize

Listen to Firestarter cohort, Navin Thangiah, Co-Founder, MobileOffize as he talks about his business and how the Program benefited him.

Navin Thangiah | MobileOffize | Message to Startup

Find out what our first Firestarter cohort Navin Thangiah, Co-Founder, MobileOffize, has to say to startups who are considering enrolling in the Program

Introduction – Navin Thangiah, Co-Founder MobileOffize

Introduction to Navin Thangiah, Co-Founder MobileOffize and part of our first Firestarter cohort

Navin Thangiah, Co-Founder MobileOffize on Firestarter Program structure

Navin Thangiah, Co-Founder MobileOffize and part of our first Firestarter cohort, airs his views on the structure of the Program

Navin Thangiah, Co-Founder MobileOffize – Firestarter Program structure

Navin Thangiah, Co-Founder MobileOffize – Firestarter Program structure

Navin Thangiah, Co-Founder MobileOffize – Firestarter Program structure

Navin Thangiah, Co-Founder MobileOffize, and part of our first Firestarter cohort, analyses the structure of the Program

Navin Thangiah, Co-Founder MobileOffize – Firestarter suggestions

Navin Thangiah, Co-Founder MobileOffize, and part of our first Firestarter cohort, discusses some suggestions to the Program

Non functional requirements

Product managers (PMs) need to focus on non functional requirements (NFR) as much as functional requirements. Our NFR guide can help PMs along this crucial journey.

Information Security

Learn why information security is crucial to product building and why not implementing it can severely impact your business.

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