

Accelerate your business with regular tips and expert guidance on building better products and what pitfalls to avoid.

PMs need to empathize

It’s fashionable among #productmanager groups to complain about “others”. You may have come across social media posts and memes that talk about this. How “they” don’t get #productmanagement. How the CEOs and founders are only interested in making money. How India is not the right place for being a PM. How even successful companies don’t know how to build products.

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The unsung heroes

Sensationalism sells. Making gods out of #founders sells. Showing how #visionaries are changing the world sells. We all have a need to believe in #heroes. And by nature, our heroes need to be larger than life. Well at least in the stories. Some of you may have seen the collage of Forbes covers. One that calls out several people who

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Working when resources are constrained

“Do more with less”. This is a “mantra” you will hear in time of economic uncertainty. It applies to big companies and #startups. Maybe more so with startups, because most are already resource constrained. There are a lot of things that #productmanagers and #founders can do. Arguably the most important thing is to prioritize. This is not just about what

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How to validate a product idea

“Ideas are a dime a dozen, execution is everything.” If you interact with VCs or people who have built product businesses, They will confirm this. Of course, like everything that is catchy, this is only partially true. Biggest problem lies in how people vet and validate their idea. Coming up with ideas could be easy and fun But validating and

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The challenges of consulting product founders

Becoming a #productmanager is hard Building a #startup is harder Being a #consultant helping #founders and #productleaders is one of the hardest things I have had to learn. (And yes, it’s harder than cracking JEE and studying rocket science)! And it’s far from done, still learning every day. For a founder or a PM to be good at their job

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Product management training needs a dose of the real world

Your #productmanagement certification could be worthless. Let me correct that a bit – it has some value, If you are getting your first job in product, If you don’t have real world exposure to building products, If you have never really learnt the theory, Does that mean all training for #productmanager is a waste of time and money? No, not

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Say no to free POCs

“We love your product, but it’s new and we would like to do a POC.” If you are a #founder of a startup or #productmanager of a new product, then surely you would have heard this. But the one word that often accompanies this statement should make you run…. And that word is “Free” There is nothing worse than a

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Looking up in a downturn

Is a downturn coming? That depends on where you live… Is there an economic and technological upheaval underway? Certainly seems so. Many companies – startups, mid-sized and large – are all facing tough times. News of layoffs, slowdown in hiring, AI causing job losses is scaring people. What do you do if you are a tech business – startup or

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Process in a positive light

When people think of great products, They usually think of innovation, Or great experience, Or great value, Or some celebrity entrepreneur. But that is not entirely true. That is the output, not what it takes to get there… Most important ingredients for building a great product are People and Process. This is especially true for products looking to scale, Whether

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It’s all about the team!

I was and still am (sometimes) guilty of this… When I come across a business problem or a technology problem. I get very excited about the problem and tech. About what can be done to solve it? What else can I learn? Which customers, businesses, experts can I speak with? And this is all good and important, But, there is

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Moving from 0-1 to 1-10 million

When I lived in the US they used to say: Earning your first $1M is the hardest. That may be true for individuals. But does not seem to be true for #startups and #product #businesses! Getting to your first million in revenue is easier than going from $1M to $10M. Getting your early revenue is all about hustle. You don’t

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Startups need the right people

I worked in a late stage startup a while ago. My job as head of products was to help scale #product and business. At the time that meant going from a legacy product to #saas. Changing product dev processes, Streamlining 20+ code branches to 2, Going from low license and high services costing to purely subscription revenue with little bit

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