

Accelerate your business with regular tips and expert guidance on building better products and what pitfalls to avoid.

Work gets better when we meet

Remote work is great! Remote work is slowing us down! There is no collaboration! If we ask team members to come to work, they will leave! If you a in a tech company, you might have heard one or more of these over the last 12-18 months. All of us were forced to adopt and adapt to a remote working

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Experiential learning: A must for product managers and leaders

“Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.” – Albert Einstein “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” – Confucius You’ve probably come across these quotes somewhere along the line. At their heart they essentially define what experiential learning (ExL) is: learning by doing. Learning can be consumed in many ways; through

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Different roles, different skills

“Put a bunch of smart people together and magic will happen”. You will hear this refrain often repeated. Sometimes companies – #startups or bigger will actually follow this. Smart engineers (yes that is usually the case) will come together. On their own, or will be brought together by someone with money. And they will do what they know best –

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Key skills for product leaders

Leadership is the art of inspiring employees to strive towards a common goal. The process of influencing their attitude, conduct, and cognition of others is just as important as leading a group of people or an organization. Product leadership is the process of managing the organization’s product initiatives. A product leader is someone who empowers others through actions such as

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Challenges of product leadership

Product leadership creates a product-led strategy that prioritizes and helps the product align with the organization’s mission and vision. Successful product teams are developed by leaders in product-inspired cultures. This involves several management-level duties, such as putting together and leading the product team, owning the strategic goals, and ensuring the team has access to the tools and resources it needs

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Customers want value from your product

Customers don’t want your product. Customers don’t care much about your product features. Customers don’t want to spend money on something they don’t want. Then why are so many products being bought and product businesses growing? Well, above statements have more to it then appears. Customers are interested in themselves, their personal life, their work life and their business. They

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Learn to be a product manager – A beginner’s guide

Product management is one of the most lucrative professions and is growing rapidly as is the demand for product managers. In fact, product management is expected to reach USD 31.84 billion by 2025. In this article, we will try to explain what product management is. Is it just the process of delivering a product? What else does it include? And

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Cultivating integrative complexity

What do Presidents, Prime Ministers and successful PMs – Product Managers — have in common? Ever wondered how the leader of a country can be fighting off aggression from a neighbour and at the same time be negotiating a trade agreement with that same country? Such leaders usually score high on IC. How does one deal with ambiguous information, conflicting

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Your product needs clear direction

“Founders must be jack of all trades” “In a startup everyone must do everything” Usually true – if you are just getting started. But follow this for too long and it can be really dangerous. Many #startups and early stage products fall in the trap of having one person decide everything. It may work for some things, but the one

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Work hard or smart?

If you read what lot of business gurus and self-help gurus say you will be confused. I sure was. On the one hand people say that you have to work hard -99% perspiration 1% inspiration -Harder I work luckier I get -And more of such “wisdom” On the other hand you will hear: -Work smarter not harder -80/20 rule -And

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What’s the best way to test when hiring new PMs?

Most companies hiring #productmanagers have realized this by now, But it is hard to figure out during the interviews. You need someone with strong research, communication, problem-solving and prioritization skills, Domain knowledge and tech can be taught faster than some of these above, arguably. Ability to empathise with users is another important one. Haven’t found a test for that yet.

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Your product needs to understand what users want

I hate interruptions Especially from my phone Most apps seek to annoy you with notifications Everytime you install a new app You have to be sure to read the prompts carefully And there are intentionally hard to understand Or once you starting seeing the annoying notifications Go to settings and turn those off Most of the apps on your phone

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