

Accelerate your business with regular tips and expert guidance on building better products and what pitfalls to avoid.

AI and Product Management: Friends or Foes?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock or in a cave chances are you’ve been inundated with posts, memes, and all sorts of information about AI over the last year. Whether it’s changing hiring practices or replacing jobs, everybody seems to have an opinion on the technology and its global impact. There are a significant number of doomsday activists but,

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Why startups fail

In India, only 1 in 3 seed funded startups make it to round A. And this is just looking at VC funded data. If we consider all the bootstrapped and angel funded startups, those that don’t make it operational scale or venture scale, things will look much worse… This is only part of the story. The real story behind this

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6 Reasons Why Startups Fail to Scale

Scaling a startup is a challenging endeavour that requires careful planning, strategic decision-making, and effective execution. While many startups dream of reaching the dizzy heights of success, the reality is that a significant number of them fail to successfully scale. Here  we explore the top six reasons why startups struggle to scale and provide expert advice and strategies to overcome

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How Prodzen Consults Product Startups To Go From Good To Great

I have often found myself saying, “Being a product leader is hard, building a startup is harder; but consulting product leaders on how to build and grow their startup is still the hardest”.  Failory reports that 90% of the startups end up failing with 70% doing so in the first two to five years. Even those that manage to sustain

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Navigating the shift from PM to leader

“What got you here, won’t get you there” I was fortunate enough to experience this in a good way, twice First when I went from engineer to engineering manager Second when I went from #productmanager to PM leader If the first one was hard, second one was one of the toughest Off course, getting promoted in #productmanagement has its perks

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Beware of AI!

Forget GIGO Now you have model hallucination, blackbox model and emergent behaviour. Yes, I am talking about #ai and specifically the current set of #llm s that seem to be taking the tech world by storm. When I learnt about computers in school, it was the 80s. Back then computer lab was the only place in the school with AC.

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Your product needs focus

Well, even if you are not like Bruce Lee, Your #startup should be That is the only way to escape early stage “death valley” And more importantly get past that into early stage growth and beyond. If you lookup “startup” failure on the web or even on LLMs, You will find the usual surveys on why #startups fail. They are

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PMs need to constantly innovate

The most frequent thing you do as a #productmanager, Might not be helping your product succeed… And here I am referring to managing the product backlog, And defining the requirements or scenarios and stories, You may have some “experts” say things like: “Feature wars are over” or “Features don’t matter”. While that statement is to be taken with a pinch

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AI: challenges and opportunities for PMs

#ai is changing the world, especially the tech world. For people who are #productmanagers this creates both challenges and opportunities: Challenges – In most cases, your product strategy must evolve and likely change. – If you don’t have a natural language interface, it’s time to consider one. – If you are data crunching heavy, then your competition is about to

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Startups, you still need a solid strategy!

There, finally someone used the “S*&^%” word for a #startup. Nothing sensational or unsafe -:) It’s about #strategy. Many startups and even large companies lack this, or lose it over time. It’s critical to check every quarter (maybe faster if you are just starting), whether your business goals, product and where resources are being spent aligns. Are you chasing metrics

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