

Accelerate your business with regular tips and expert guidance on building better products and what pitfalls to avoid.

Choosing the Right Product Marketing KPIs to Measure Success for B2B SaaS

Before launching your product marketing, governed by your go-to-market strategy how do you ensure if your efforts will pay off? The key lies in selecting the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) beforehand to measure success the moment you push the ignition button of your product marketing machinery. Understanding which metrics to track is crucial for fine-tuning your approach. This blog

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Enhance Your Product Strategy with Competitive Research: A Comprehensive Guide for B2B SaaS Products

  Having a strong product strategy for your B2B SaaS Product is not just beneficial—it’s essential for long-term success. With competitors innovating at lightning speed and customer expectations continually shifting, your product strategy needs to be not only solid but also agile and forward-thinking. This is where the role of competitive research becomes critically important. Competitive research allows you to

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10 Game-Changing Strategies to Measure & Supercharge Your Sales Enablement Program

Creating an exceptional product is only the start. The real challenge is equipping your sales team with the tools, knowledge, and insights to deliver that product with precision and impact. That’s where a dynamic sales enablement program steps in. But how can you ensure your program isn’t just operational but thriving? Dive into these 10 proven strategies to measure and

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Supercharge Your ABM Strategy with Competitive and Account Intelligence: A Game-Changer for Sales Leaders

Introduction Account-Based Marketing (ABM) isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the ultimate strategy for targeting your high-value accounts with laser precision. But to turn ABM into your secret weapon, you need more than just the basics. Enter competitive intelligence and account intelligence. These two power tools can transform your ABM game, giving you the edge to outsmart competitors and close deals like never before. Ready to

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Why Competitor Analysis is important

We were one of the most loved products in the market Sales were increasing, customers were raving about the product Even the analysts were putting us in top quadrants, waves and ranking It seemed like the party would continue This was somewhere in mid 2000s Smaller competitors were selling at $1000 a pop or lower We were selling at $250-300K

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How Fresh is Your Competitor Analysis? Do You Need to Refresh It?

ProdZen For product managers, product marketers, and sales teams, relying on stale competitor analysis is like navigating with an outdated map. Rapid shifts in market dynamics, evolving customer preferences, and technological leaps can render old insights obsolete. So, how do you know when it’s time to refresh your competitor analysis? Let’s dive into why up-to-date monitoring of your competition is

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Unlock Unstoppable Customer Loyalty: Master Competitive Intelligence for Ultimate Retention

ProdZen Can a company succeed and grow without happy customers? Companies today must prioritize customer success and leverage competitive intelligence to retain customers and achieve business growth. Here’s how you can master competitive intelligence to boost customer retention and foster loyalty.   Why Customer Success is Your Secret Weapon Customer success management is more than just a buzzword—it’s the backbone

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Let’s Accelerate!

Have you read this recent article? “TCS says its platforms and products business is worth about $3 billion.” Being a services company, it seems a bit out of its core area but TCS is generating a considerable amount of revenue from intellectual capital. Did you know TCS is among the largest IT services providers globally with a market share of

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The journey from product manager to leader

If you ask a parent with more than one child, which child do you love the most? They will have a tough time answering. I was the father of only one child then but I found myself in a similar situation when I went from being a product manager to leading a team of product managers. Being a PM is

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The Power and Limitations of No-Code and Low-Code Platforms

In Part 1 of our exploration, we looked at the features and functionalities of no-code and low-code platforms and also how we can use them to create applications in a shorter time. These platforms have definitely revolutionized how we approach software development. For creating any fully-featured and polished product, there is a lot of work involved in the process such

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Why Process Matters? The Key To Scaling Up

The path to creating great products isn’t solely dependent on innovation, experience, value, or celebrity entrepreneurs; it heavily relies upon people and processes. This holds particularly true for businesses aiming to scale up their operations, whether they are startups or new projects within a larger corporation. The kind of team and process required at this stage vastly differs from the

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AI and Product Management: Friends or Foes?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock or in a cave chances are you’ve been inundated with posts, memes, and all sorts of information about AI over the last year. Whether it’s changing hiring practices or replacing jobs, everybody seems to have an opinion on the technology and its global impact. There are a significant number of doomsday activists but,

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