Author: Admin

Not getting traction for your early stage B2B product?

Early stage products often fail to get enough interest from the market in spite of solving an important problem. These 3 letters could help you fix that – ICP. Ideal Customer Profile is a framework to fine tune your targeting. Early stage products are different because the founders or product managers are still figuring out how to position and to whom. Key …

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Intense Work

If software is eating the world, what should IT service providers do?

About 10 years ago, Marc Andreessen declared that “Software is eating the world.” As co-founder of Netscape (one of the world’s first Internet browsers) and a successful investor (Facebook, Groupon, Twitter), he probably knows a lot about this. The IT services business is undergoing a huge shift not just because of the drive for digital transformation. This shift is being …

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Did you know that India’s largest IT services provider makes over USD1 bn from an offering that’s not pure play?

There’s also another large, publicly listed IT services company that has attributed its recent stellar growth to not just services revenue but something else. That something else is IP enabled solutions. So what is an IP enabled solution? The service offering is enriched by including a pre-built capability. These IP based solutions can take the form of templates, accelerators, platforms …

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Expand your horizons by choosing more lucrative markets

Finding it hard to accelerate your B2B business? Try thinking bigger and broader. Target more lucrative markets like the US, EU, SEA, and ME. Research, research, reseach. Partner and form collaborations with agencies and local consultants Fine-tune your product accordingly… And tailor your marketing and messaging. Request an invitation for a webinar to find out more!

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Are you a fire starter?

A few days ago I was talking to a client about taking a new product to market and something struck me. In hindsight it seems obvious. “Are you a fire starter?” I almost asked because everything I had seen up to that point suggested otherwise. The skills and attitude needed for the product manager or the founder of a startup …

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Who is a product manager?

Many #startups that I speak with are confused about the role of a PM. Often this role is filled by #founders, or business analyst or by someone in BD or sales. There are also organizations where this role is not created and sort of everyone (or no one) is driving. Is it simply lack of awareness? Or a legacy of IT Services culture? …

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