Author: Admin

The Transition from Hustle to Structure: Scaling Beyond $1M in Revenue

When I lived in the US they used to say, “Earning your first $1M is the hardest.” That may be true for individuals. However, it isn’t true for startups and product businesses. Getting to your first million in revenue is easier than going from $1M to $10M if you’re a product startup. The early revenue is all about the hustle. …

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Are you ready to start a fire?

One of the toughest balancing acts is something many startup founders pull off on a daily basis. You have to deal with multiple issues, make rapid decisions with limited information and also continue to lead the team. When you are short on resources, you have multiple operational fires to deal with. Often one of the biggest challenges is to make …

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A better reason to say no

Have you ever said “no” to a customer? Have you ever said “no” to your CEO? And survived to tell the tale? It’s always hard to say “no” to someone who apparently has power over you. However it can be made easier, at least for product manager s. All good product managers use a prioritization scheme to decide what goes …

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Great leaders acknowledge failures

Usually when we talk about leadership, we talk about achievements. Great leaders are the ones who take businesses, movements, countries, science to great heights. However, this view is incomplete. Especially in times like these. To me a great leader not only basks in the glory of success but also takes responsibility of failures. Taking responsibility or ownership is not an …

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Going from “hustle” to “structured growth”

Change is hard. Changing your mindset is harder. This is likely one of the hardest things to do for the founders of startups. Your eventual scale and success may depend on this. It’s going from “hustle” to “structured growth” mode. When you are a startup you’ll do whatever it takes to get the product built. You might end up coding, …

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Why are you charging so low?

The incongruency sometimes baffles me. Maybe it comes from a fear that nobody will buy. Maybe it comes from not understanding the impact and value. Maybe the importance is simply not understood or overlooked. More often than not founders of b2b startups price their products too low. If you ask a founder whether they are solving an “important” and “urgent” …

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