Author: Admin

Just keep doing it

There is big difference between knowing and doing. For instance, everybody knows this. If you want stay healthy: Eat right Sleep enough Exercise regularly Simple, right? But how many do it? Everyone wants to, but most struggle. Billions are spent on solutions for each of those steps. We see the same thing. When it comes to product creation. And building …

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Do you have an ER release?

Once upon a time in a land far far away. There lived a “weak” product manager. He didn’t really want the job. It came to him as part of a re-org. He was an engineering manager, who had to layoff most of his team. That made him unhappy. 😌 The product he took over was not doing so well. The …

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Generating value from POCs

Not too long ago, I was speaking with a founder of a well-funded startup. Solution: innovative. Team: solid. Product: decent for an early version. Customer interest: quite a few POCs. Yet, no conversions. Everybody liked it, but nobody was signing up. This was baffling. Then they started offering it for free/near free. Still nobody wanted to sign up. We started …

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You have to put in the hard yards

Is product management training a waste of time? Ever since being a product manager has become cool? Maybe I am kidding myself but certainly it has become a highly desirable role – some would call it one of the hottest careers. 🙂 The number of training courses and certifications has multiplied. There are even programs dedicated to simply cracking a …

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The value question

It is said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. Something similar can be said for “value” when it comes to b2b SaaS. Is it in the eye of the buyer or maybe head? A lot is written about pricing tactics and pricing models: – Create 3 editions – Guide people towards middle – Provide an entry version …

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Leverage your product business from new markets

Last week I was talking to the #founder of a startup that is growing well. He easily acknowledged what many others fail to see. We were taking about scaling after getting to product market fit. “We have product market fit for the domestic market, but not for the US.” When most startups start seeing a steady growth in revenue without …

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