The fight worth fighting for

Life is unfair

But you already knew that

If you are a #startup building a #b2b product for US, EU, UK, then you will find that it’s extremely unfair.

When I talk to #founders building from India for the world, it is at times disheartening to hear their challenges:

– New entrant startup with bigger fund raise is all over the market

– One of the big companies is catching up with what they are doing, by putting in a lot more money and people

– Regulatory compliance, getting paid by foreign customers is time consuming

– Customer feedback is slower to trickle and they want something very different from customers in India

It’s natural to wonder, if this is a fight worth fighting?

Here is why it is:

– Average spend in US alone is 10 to 50 times more, sometimes 100x+

Bigger pie – smaller slice is still way bigger than big slice of small pie in India

– Tech maturity is higher, so greater appetite for innovation and experimentation

Customers are willing to bet on new products if it offers compelling value

– Timely payments compared to chasing customers and unpaid invoices

Relatively small amounts and a culture of paying on time

And there is more…

If you are a #founder building from India for the world, it’s fraught with challenges, but almost always it’s a fight worth fighting…

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