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To Product

What is Intellectual Property?

Intellectual Property (IP) is a term for assets that are intangible or not physical in nature. IP refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, brand names, etc. Patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets are for protecting valuable intellectual assets of a company. Though the protection of intellectual assets is important, companies can also use them to generate new revenue streams. IT services companies have a lot of intangible assets, which can add value to clients and IP can help a company provide faster and more cost effective solutions.

What is Accelerate with IP?

So how does a company use IP to create value for clients? Accelerate with IP is a concept where companies can utilize intellectual property in the form of platforms and products such as templates, sets of code in various languages, software, raw dashboards, web/mobile applications etc.

Who is it for?

Accelerate with IP concept is for IT services companies. IT services companies can utilize intellectual property and create products and platforms, which can be later customized according to a client’s requirements. Accelerating with IP is an appropriate path if a services company wants to expand on intellectual capital to generate new revenue streams.

Benefits of Accelerating with IP

IT services companies can face a lot of competition and your goal must always be to provide greater value and gain the competitive advantage. Other benefits include:

What our clients say

How can we help?

The Prodzen helps in identifying various intellectual assets of a company and how best they can be utilized for further development and designing of various products to provide services. We also help in building various intellectual properties, which can add direct value to clients. We can help guide the way to generate new revenue streams using intellectual property by following a 5-step process to make your company grow by accelerating with IP.

Let’s look at examples of how companies have been able to succeed with IP!

What companies are accelerating with IP? What have they gained?

Focusing on one such success story, TCS uses its intellectual capital and human capital to build impactful, customized technology and business solutions that address their customers’ business problems. These solutions bring in high quality revenues, powering industry-leading organic growth and margins, boosting the company’s financial capital.

Download Playbook

Our latest ‘Accelerate with IP’ – Playbook is now out. If you would like to receive a copy please share your details via the form below

Intellectual property building and utilizing is one of the important parts for the IT services companies as it is generating a new revenue stream and help the company win competitive advantage. See how we can help with the 5 steps process to make your company accelerate with IP.

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